
外国语学院的前身是外语系,英语专业始建于1995年,随着学校办学规模的不断扩大, 2000年成立了外国语学院。经过十几年的发展,外国语学院的办学已初具规模,以培养有扎实外语功底的,能适应内蒙古地方经济建设需求的复合型、应用型人才为办学宗旨。









The predecessor of the Foreign Language School is the Foreign Language Department. The English Major was founded in 1995. With the expansion of the size of the university, the Foreign Language School was established in 2000. After more than a decade of development, the Foreign Language School has taken shape. It aims to cultivate talents with both foreign language proficiency and practical skills which can accommodate the needs of the local economic development of Inner Mongolia.

The Foreign Language School consists of 8 departments, namely, the Professor Committee, the Administration Office, the Office of Students’Affairs, the English Department, No. 1 Department of College Foreign Language, No. 2 Department of College Foreign Language, Department of Vocational Foreign Language, and Language Test and Learning Center.

For English majors, the Foreign Language School offers an array of undergraduate courses as well the second foreign language course; for undergraduates and graduates of the university, the Foreign Language School offers college foreign language teaching, foreign language elective courses, and public elective courses on Japanese, German and Russian.

After more than a decade of efforts, nearly a thousand of students have graduated from the Foreign Language School. The English Major is a four-year system, with a stable annual enrollment of 3 classes (90 students). The English Department has three teaching and research teams, covering English Language and Literature, Business English, and less popular languages. The teaching quality of the English Department has been widely acknowledged at home. Students from the English Department have won many awards in National English Speech Contests. The Foreign Language School boasts of excellent student sources, since all were accepted by their first choices in the entrance examination. The graduates are now working in various teaching and scientific research institutions, government bodies, enterprises and government-sponsored institutions, who have made significant contribution to the economic development of Inner Mongolia as well as the whole nation. Currently an English MA Program is being applied.

Currently, we are staffed with 100 full-time faculties, including 2 management staff, 3 instructors, 3 staff for language lab management, and all the others responsible for teaching activities. For academic titles, there are 6 professors, 42 associate professors, 47 lecturers, and 5 teaching assistants. For educational background, over 77% of our staff are master’s degree holders and four of the faculty are PhDs or PhD candidates. For overseas study background, 50 of our faculty have ever studied abroad, among whom 12 are holders of renowned overseas master’s degree. We are a team with substantial academic background, reasonable age composition, innovation capacity and development potentials.

The Foreign Language School attaches great importance to faculty development. In recent years, 14 faculty members have been visiting scholars to countries including the UK, the U.S., and Canada; more than 20 faculty members passed the entrance exam for graduate students, and the School has recruited more than 30 graduates from key Chinese universities. The upgrading of the academic level of the faculty members has laid a solid foundation for the future development of the School.

There is one Foreign Language Study Room in the University Library, with 60,000 volumes of books in foreign languages. Besides, the School has its own library with 16,000 volumes of foreign language books. Currently the School has 12 language labs (480 seats), a digital radio station, 2 self-study centers (320 seats), and 1 simultaneous interpretation lab with 40 seats.

The School also attaches great importance to the upgrading of the teaching and research capacities of faculty members. In recent years, our teachers have published more than 300 articles in all types of academic journals, among which more than 10 in core journals, and they have participated in 32 educational reform programs of the university, province and state level. There have been 2 state-level programs, 8 province-level programs, and 15 university-level programs. Among them, 2 of the educational reform programs won the first prize for outstanding teaching achievement in Inner Mongolia. Five books have been published. All of these have laid a solid foundation for the further development of the School.